Tina Collection
Start Back 12" LP 12" Maxi Single 7" Singles Promo Issues CD's Singles CD Special CD Laser Discs DVD's Video Tapes Audio Tapes Books Magazines The Rest Wanted Items


To improve searching I did divide my collection in different categories, so you can easily find the item you are looking for. I usualy never sell any of these items, I only collect them for my own pleasure.

This collection started in 1969 when I bought the LP "River Deep Mountain High" issued at the London Label. In my opinion, this is still the best recording ever made of this many times reissued LP and later on CD.

The last years my collection did grow faster, mainly by using websites as and also payments are easily done by it’s quicker than a normal payment at the local shops. The world is getting very small this way and my foreign part of the collection did grow explosive.

But it’s also nice to stray about second-hand markets or shops. It’s always exciting to find just that item you are looking for at such a long time. It gives you that kick.
