At last, we the boys did take a weekend trip to London.
We at last did find the time to do so. Everyone had been in London
before, some just travelling through during holidays and for some it was
more than 25 years ago. The reason for this journey was to make a break and
to have some fun. Maybe, we even could get a flavour of culture too.
first day we almost did spend travelling. It was a nice day to travel. The
customs had a close look to our baggage at the borders, because of the
foot- and mouth disease in the country. At first we did take the train to
Hook of Holland, than we did take the fast Stena HSS ferry to Harwich and
further on by train to Liverpool Station, London. The last part of the
journey we did take the London Tube to Bayswater. On board of the ferry we
had a wide choice of food and drinks in the many restaurants. Nice about
travelling like this is the fact, you don’t have to watch the amount of
alcohol you drink. We did make a phone call to the hotel before we did
leave; to ask which Underground Station the best option was to get close
to the hotel. It was a peace of cake to find it after nine hours of

London Pub
After checking in at the hotel we did explore a little the hotel
surroundings. But knowing that the pubs close early even in London, we
didn’t wait to long to buy a nice pint of lager or ale. A pub is never
far away in England and so we soon did find one close to our hotel. I love
the choice of bears they serve in the British pubs. We don’t have that
choice in our Dutch bars. But England can learn something of our opening

Even in London you have Horses
We did buy together with the other tickets a London “Visitor
Travelcard”. So we could explore London right away the next day. London
Buses and the famous London Taxis are really making the sight of London
Streets. But also horses make their way through the streets.

Harrods display "Princess
When you’re visiting London you have to visit Harrods too. In Harrods
there was a “Princess Diana” display as remembrance of her tragically
dead together with her fiancé. You also have to see the Tower Bridge, 10
Downing Street and everything more you see at home at the television. 25
years ago you could take a picture right in front of number 10 Downing
Street. Now the street is fully closed and you only can see the famous
door from a distance.

Tina in the London Wax Museum"Rock
The London “Rock Circus” displays almost everyone who had a roll in
the Rock’n’Roll scene. I was very glad to see Tina Turner along with
The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and many more. The whole Rock history
you’ll find here.

last full day in London we did spend visiting Camden. The market there was
a great experience. If you are looking for something you’ll find it here.
The weather was lovely; we even could spend some time enjoying the sun at
the Camden Locks. We did travel back to Bayswater by bus. You see a lot of
the different looks of the city travelling by bus. It’s never dull.

Camden Locks
fourth day was a little bit like the first, but than in reverse and with
the knowledge that reality did knock on the door again. We did agree to
make a trip like this again as soon as possible.